alloc_text | auto_inline | bss_seg | check_stack |
code_seg | comment | component | conform |
const_seg | data_seg | deprecated | function |
hdrstop | include_alias | init_seg | inline_depth |
inline_recursion | intrinsic | managed | message |
once | optimize | pack | pointers_to_members |
pop_macro | push_macro | runtime_checks | section |
setlocale | unmanaged | vtordisp | warning |
#pragma 다음에 올수 있는 텍스트 구문
#pragma comment 다음에 올수 있는 문구는 다음과 같다.
linker /EXPORT
linker /INCLUDE
linker /MERGE
linker /SECTION
linker /ENTRY
linker /EXPORT
linker /INCLUDE
linker /MERGE
linker /SECTION
linker /ENTRY
#pragma comment( user, "Compiled on " __DATE__ " at " __TIME__ )
#pragma comment( user, "Compiled on " __DATE__ " at " __TIME__ )
linker의 경우에 다음에 올수 있는 항목이다.
/ALIGN Specifies the alignment of each section.
/ALLOWBIND Specifies that a .dll cannot be bound.
/BASE Sets a base address for the program.
/DEBUG Creates debugging information.
/DEBUGTYPE Creates particular formats of debugging information.
/DEF Passes a module-definition (.def) file to the linker.
/DEFAULTLIB Searches specified library when resolving external references.
/DELAY Controls the delayed loading of DLLs.
/DELAYLOAD Causes the delayed loading of the specified DLL.
/DLL Builds a DLL.
/DRIVER Creates a Windows NT kernel mode driver.
/ENTRY Sets the starting address.
/EXETYPE Builds a virtual device driver.
/EXPORT Exports a function.
/FIXED Creates a program that can be loaded only at its preferred base address.
/FORCE Forces link to complete in spite of unresolved or multiply defined symbols.
/GPSIZE Specifies the size of communal variables for MIPS platforms.
/HEAP Sets the size of the heap in bytes.
/IMPLIB Overrides the default import library name.
/INCLUDE Forces symbol references.
/LARGEADDRESSAWARE Tells the compiler that the application supports addresses larger than two gigabytes.
/LIBPATH Allows the user to override the environmental library path.
/LINK50COMPAT Generates import libraries in eMbedded Visual C++ Version 5.0 format.
/MACHINE Specifies the target platform.
/MAP Creates a map file.
/MAPINFO Includes the specified information in the map file.
/MERGE Combines sections.
/NODEFAULTLIB Ignores all (or specified) default libraries when resolving external references.
/NOENTRY Creates a resource-only DLL.
/NOLOGO Suppresses startup banner.
/OPT Controls LINK optimizations.
/ORDER Places COMDATs into the image in a predetermined order.
/OUT Specifies the output file name.
/PDB Creates a program database (.pdb) file.
/PDBSTRIPPED Do not place private symbols in the database (.pdb) file.
/PDBTYPE Specifies where to store the Program Database (PDB) debug type information.
/RELEASE Sets the checksum in the .exe header.
/SECTION Overrides the attributes of a section.
/STACK Sets the size of the stack in bytes.
/STUB Attaches an MS-DOS stub program to a Win32 program.
/SUBSYSTEM Tells the operating system how to run the .exe file.
/SWAPRUN Tells the operating system to copy the linker output to a swap file before running it.
/VERBOSE Prints linker progress messages.
/VERSION Assigns a version number.
/VXD Creates a virtual device driver (VxD).
/WARN Specifies warning level.
/WINDOWSCE Specifies bitmap conversion.
/WS Aggressively trim process memory.
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